Mobile Laptop Workstation - Levitator 6050 Stinger Medical Mobile Laptop Workstation. Comes with flatscreen monitor + keyboard and mouse. Monitor mount needs repair.
Water Baths + Water Bath shakers - Central Scientific water baths (2) + American Instrument Exchange SP B7001-3 water bath with 12 x 14 x 6 inch deep chamber + New Brunswick Gyrotory G76 water bath shaker.
Store Display - Displays - bookcases. greyish laminate. Pair of bookcases with adjustable shelving and bottom wood panel + taller bookcase with brick design finish on the outside and small lights on enhance contents of each shelf + casio tabletop display case
Store Display - Gondola shelving and 4 uprights = 2 double sided sections + laminate shelves with metal hardware + grey metal shelving (seems new) in boxes
Girls Shirt/Pant Set - Little Star girls shirt/pants set. Pink + Purple. Assorted sizes. 48 sets per box (24 pink 24 purple). total 192 sets. total 4 boxes. x$
Girls Shirt/Pant Set - Little Star girls shirt/pants set. Pink + Purple. Assorted sizes. 48 sets per box (24 pink 24 purple). total 192 sets. total 4 boxes. x$