Lot Details

Nutrition information on Similac and more

Nutrition neocate Jr Amino acid-based nutritionally complete powdered formula that contains 7 of these and they expire in October Enfamil non-GMO enspire infant formula milk-based powder with iron ore closest to breastmilk 0 to 12 months expires in January 2020 in the lock contains four of these they wait 30 Oz each PediaSure grow and grain clinically proven to help kids grow vanilla shake mix 14.1 Oz expires in February 2020 and lot contains 9 of these Enfamil enspire infant formula milk-based powder with iron closest to breastmilk 0 to 12 months that expires in December 2019 and there are six of these Similac non-GMO Pro Advance HMO DHA lutein vitamin E infant formula with iron expires in July 2020 lot contains two of those
Tue, May 28, 2019 5:00AM
Store Returns and Surplus, HUGE AUCTION on Tuesday May 28 at our new location in Hesperia, 17229 Lemon St G-16. MARK YOUR CALENDAR and tell your friends !

Abamex Auction

Rogelio Ordaz
(858) 384-3580