Lot Details

Hampton Bay + more

Hampton Bay + more. Hampton Bay 4-light vanity fixture, ventilation fan, commercial electric white shower recessed kit, master locks, Panasonic ventilation fan, Wagner heat gun, Stanley steel toe size 10.5 boots, Philips light bulbs, Ryobi belt sandpaper, rain bird impact sprinkler, Stanley stapler
Tue, Oct 9, 2018 5:00AM
Home improvement, tools, landscaping, lighting including chandeliers, appliances and lots more !! Returns and overstocks (Home Depot and others). Bid live or webcast. October 9 @ 10am. Inspect Oct 8 (9 to 3:30) and from 8:30 auction day,

Abamex Auction

Rogelio Ordaz
(858) 384-3580