Lot Details

EcoSmart brasscraft home decorators collection & more

Home decorators collection large exterior wall Lantern, be are vp-25 air mover High Velocity fan brasscraft 5/16 in by 50 ft cable drum machine, Master Lock Magnum, Kidde 10-year battery life smoke alarm two pieces, EcoSmart 65 watt replacement uses only 14 watts three pieces, EcoSmart 75 watt replacement uses only 13.5 Watts three pieces, can honey do drying rack 24ft drying space, Waste King Legend series 2600 1/2 horsepower, Hunter ceiling fan light kit, Hampton Bay humidity sensing ventilation fan.
Tue, Aug 7, 2018 5:00AM
Tools, home improvement and decor, lawn and garden, appliances, evaporative coolers and so much more.

Abamex Auction

Rogelio Ordaz
(858) 384-3580