Lot Details

Enfamil little remedies Nordic Naturals Nutramigen and

Nutramigen DHA and ARA one for cow's milk allergy hypoallergenic infant formula with iron 32 fluid ounce expires in June of 2019 and lot contains 9 bottles. Baby ddrops the Sunshine by a minute just one drop liquid vitamin D dietary supplements 90 drops for 90 days 400 IU per drop expire in September of 2021 and lot contains 12 pieces Nordic Naturals baby DHA 1015 mg omega-3 with vitamin D3 nervous system brain ice dietary supplement to float house and lot contains 18 pieces expire in April 2021 Little remedies sore throat pops for sore throats comes fiery throats 10 pops deer like lollipops lot contains 8 pieces and they expire in February of 2020 Enfamil liquid multivitamin supplement poly VI Sol with iron for babies transitioning to solid foods 1 and 2 and 3 fluid ounce expires in September of 2019 California baby trusted since 1995 calendula cream for babies kids and adults 2 oz best by June of 2021 lot contains 2 pcs Enfamil slow flow soft nipple latex free expires May of 2022 bag has 9 pieces
Tue, May 28, 2019 5:00AM
Store Returns and Surplus, HUGE AUCTION on Tuesday May 28 at our new location in Hesperia, 17229 Lemon St G-16. MARK YOUR CALENDAR and tell your friends !

Abamex Auction

Rogelio Ordaz
(858) 384-3580